Thursday, March 22, 2007

It was an adventure today

That is for sure. I went to Dagmar's for the first time. It's a yarn store. Yes a store that sells yarn and things related to knitting. A true knitters paradise. I managed to spend over $50.00 and not feel guilty over it. For me that's a feat. I got 10 skiens of yarn. Ten skiens that I wouldn't be able to get in regular stores and half of those skiens were on sale.

On the way home on the bus I got stuck n traffic from a tractor trailer rollover. Here and here tells a little about it. THe second link providing an interesting conversation after the article. It provided a welcome change of pace in the ride.

This bus ride made me wonder, why do I want a car? There's always an adventure on the bus. Be it drivers telling deserving passengers off, getting stuck in strange places, or just traffic jams. Just follow the rules, don't annoy or in any way irritate the drivers, and make friends with the drivers and you'll have a fun trip.

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