Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Going on a Playdate and I have no kids

Ok so how does one go on a playdate when they have no kids. Simple. THe other 2 moms are knitters and you don't mind being around the kids.

Let me backup. I have no car. One of my knitting friends is on vacation and the other is a SAHM. My friend on vacation put the idea of a playdate out there earlier this week. I agred to the idea. Last night I had an email talking about getting together today. I was up for it. So my friend that was on vacation picked me up on the way to our other friend's house and we all got together. The kids had a playdate while we got to knit. Life is good.

Even better is that my friend Kristy got to move on to the next round of Jukebox Hero. YAY Kristy!!!!

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