Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Med update and friend

It's been just over a week since my meds were adjusted. So far things have been going great. My depression has lifted. I'm not manic either. Being bipolar I'm always nervous when we increase either or both of my antidepressants. More than once have I gone from depressed to manic from a slight increase in my meds. Thankfully I don't think that is going to happen this time around.

My case manager has returned from vacation. I was supposed to get a couple things done last week. When I saw her today I told her that I dodn't get them done and why (depression). She completely understood. Hey it's not often that this happens with me now. I handled everything I needed to and kept out of trouble. That's good. If it were a couple years ago... let's not think about it.

On the other hand, one of my friends ended up in the hospital. She got out today thankfully. I went up to see her yesterday though. It was funny though. Since I had been on the unit at one time, there was a question as to wether or not i could visit. It's been 4 years people. Yes I can. Your limit is 1 year minimum. I lived up to my nickname of "Trouble" though. They wouldn't let my friend have chocolate. Visitors can't bring food (even if prepackaged and unsealed) from the outside in.

Now, I had been a frequent flier there so I know the routine. There are some things that you don't forget in 4 years. So I brought my friend books (allowed). They didn't know though that I had a chocolate bar in my bra. While my friend and I visited I snuck the chocolate out of my bra (even was able to block the camera with my bag) and into my coat. I then left my coat with her. A bunch of the staff that was on yesterday knew me so we got to chat too. They forgot all about the coat apparently and she was able to enjoy the chocolate. That's how my friend and I lived up to our nicknames of "Trouble and Double Trouble". Ok I understand the unit's logic, but sometimes it goes too far and you just have to bend the rules.

So I'm doing better, back to my usual mischief making self. My friend is doing the same.

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