Monday, July 30, 2007

Load off the Shoulders

I had my med eval yesterday (Monday). I periodically meet with the APRN that prescribes my psych meds to make sure that everything is going well. I've been stable on them for a while (couple years) and haven't needed any adjusting. They (nurse and staff) also know my well enough to know that I'll yell if anything is going on and if I feel an adjustment is needed.

This appointment couldn't have had better timing though. I didn't have to set an appointment up. It was already made. THat's what I meant in the menaing department. I've been depressed for the past few weeks. It's been getting worse too. I would have said something sooner if I didn't think it was hormones. Also it's manageable. I spoke up today and we've increased one of my meds. I sure hope this does it and it doesn't mean having to find a new one.

Well, off to play with the cat (sleepless here).

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